2017 Prophecy : My year of EMERGENCE INTO GREATNESS


Today by the grace of God, I’m bringing you what God has in store for us for 2017. The testimony of Jesus-Christ is the spirit of prophecy. The Lord has spoken his words into my heart and has revealed certain things to me about 2017. Let those who have ear, hear. There are those who have ear but will not hear. Those who have eyes, normally they are supposed to see, but they generally don’t see.

No one understands and knows the things of man apart from the spirit of man. No one understands the things of God apart from the spirit of God. The words of my mouth will be like the dews upon the herbs of the forest, in the name of Jesus-Christ. The word will bring you peace, joy, direction. If this word concerns the government of your country or the members of your family, you are supposed to pray not panic. For some days now, I’ve been seeking and waiting on the Lord, and I thank the Lord that He never kept me in the dark. Even though, I’m going to speak in form of parables today, my words will pierce through every hindrance and barricade in the spirit because the Lord himself is by my side as the mighty terrible one. His words are like fire in my bones. I will open my mouth and speak of the megalions and the wonder working power of the words of God.

What you are about to hear today, will reverberate throughout the nations of the earth. The word is already settled upon the people of the earth. This word is not only for humans beings. It’s meant for every creation on the face of the earth. This word will create celestial cataclysm, terrestrial catastrophe as the word will also be directed to bring you blessings, in the name of Jesus.

We are not like the people who speak for speaking sake. We speak because God has spoken to us. We speak with precision because God is with us and for us. We speak into the situations and the activities of human kind and politics of the nations because God is for us. What you have never expected will shock you. You will be surprised by what God will do, not only in your life but in your nations and across the nations of the earth.

My beloved, this word the Lord told me, as I was writing them down, he said my son: This word I’m about to reveal concerning the things I’m about to do, they are already tested, proved and approved. They are the vision of my hearts. So I’m not communicating to you the ideas of my head. I’m not communicating to the nations the dreams of my mind. I’m the channel through which God is diffusing his dreams to the nations. And I pray today that the Lord will make my mouth as the pen of a ready writer. The Lord will cause the word to be like the apples of gold in settings of silver.

My beloved, in different generations, God revealed himself in different ways, in different manners for different situations. The way He revealed himself to Abraham was not the way he revealed himself to Isaac. It was not the same way, He revealed himself to Jacob. It was not the way He revealed himself to Joseph. It was not the way He revealed himself to the judges. The way God is going to reveal himself to you will not be the same way He revealed himself to your father. But it is the same God because you and your father might not be facing the same situation, the same circumstance at the same time and the same scenario in life.

In the book of Hebrews 1: 1-2 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

The Lord said to me, what I’m about to do with you, through you, for you and your people will create endless and multiple ripple effects across the nations starting from where you are; and above all, in the lives of the people who attach themselves in a conscious manner and in a deliberate way to the Lord Jesus-Christ by showing no apology to the devil. Because of your loyalty and faithfulness to the Lord, and to the cause of the Lord, he will distinguish you in time to come. As you show your faithfulness in this ministry, as you show your loyalty to the Lord in this ministry, just sit down and watch the Lord ride through your life, in the name of Jesus-Christ. He said all I’ve been doing for you, through you for this 16 years (by the grace of God this ministry is 16 years) is to prepare you for this year. Amen!

All the blessings that the Lord will give me, it will be the same blessings that God will give you too. All the blessings God will give this ministry, it is the same blessings that the Lord will give you also, in the name of Jesus-Christ. You will not be left behind in the reception of the blessings of God in this ministry.

He said: I have prepared you as an arrow that is about to be shot into the future in order to accomplish your prophetic destiny. Some of you thought that they have already started what God has called them to do. God will begin to unravel that for you. You will understand why I said that God has been preparing you for this moment. The Lord told me that I’m sending you and your people against the giants in the nations, in the domains of your different activities, in the works of your hands, prepare me the generations of Joseph and David and let me accomplish what I do best.

God will do the best for you, in the name of Jesus-Christ. He said: this year, the people I’m dispatching against the giants, will run and will never be tired. They will walk, and they will never be feeble. They will mount up with wings like the eagles tirelessly with precision and victory. From now on, in 2017 which God has allowed you to witness, the doors of exploitable and victorious opportunities are permanently opened before you, before all that bear the signature of your hands, before all those who belong to you. You will not have to ask the Lord, open this door for me this year. The door you are knocking at will be automatically opened before you. Where they refuse others, they will accept you, Amen!

In 2017, you will be led by the Lord and great will be your peace and rest. I’m saying all this before telling you how the Lord canonize the dream for me.

2017 is going to be your year of SUDDEN SURPRISES AND POSITIVE EXTRAORDINARIES, in the name of Jesus-Christ

2017, unusual divine favor, security, support through human, governmental intervention will pursue and overtake you, in the name of Jesus-Christ. In 2017, you will lack nothing that is essential for your happiness, advancement, prosperity, stability and establishment. In 2017, let those who know how to accuse turn up to accuse, let those who are skilled in condemning come up to condemn you, their enterprises will have low coast standards because the Lord himself is standing on your right hand to defend you.

In 2017, the Lord told me, for those who are hungry for happiness, your request is already granted, Amen! The Lord will help you to attain the realm of excellence. 2017 is our year of excellence. You will not struggle before getting to excellence. It’s our year of eternal excellence. In 2017, you will not lag behind in the manifestation and exploitation of divine gifts and abilities, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

Everything about you in 2017 will be miraculous, mighty, glorious, and notable. Whatsoever thing you do (I trust the Lord that you will do what is right) will be miraculous, mighty, and notable in your pursuit, expectations, result, family, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

While I was sleeping some days ago, the Lord invaded my bedroom and I thought that I was awake but I was in the dream thinking I was talking with my wife. I was talking to her but she was not hearing me. The lord said I’m about to speak to you. I saw a vision that is similar and analogous to that of Ezekiel. I saw 4 faces: a face of a man, lion, eagle and a deer. Each face was in 4 dimensions. And the Lord said: have you seen what I’m revealing? I said I have seen them but what do they imply? He said: very shortly, I will accomplish what I’m about to tell you. And I was troubled in the dream and the Lord told me not be troubled. The 4 faces in 4 dimensions are the 4 corners of the earth. The 4 dimensions you saw are the 4 dimensions of the heavens that are carrying the winds of the earth.

And He said, you know what the winds of the earth represent. For different nations at different times, the winds driving such nations are different. The lord begun to teach me mathematics. He said there are 4 faces and there are 4 animals = a human being, a lion, an eagle and a deer.

I asked: What are these animals doing? He said: you are the temple of the Lord and you have built a temple for me. My temple must be perfect, square. He said a square has 4 edges. He said you know the area of a square is 16 and you have spent 16 years and your time has come. I said Oh God, what this has to do with the works of my hands? He said: if you measure the temple of the lord, there are 1000m2. He said I’m your wall.

1000 is the number of an angel. 6 is the number of a man. 4 is the number of stability; that is why my temple must be stable. I was still asking question. The Lord told me the face of the man signifies intelligence. From now onwards, your people will be driven by divine intelligence. Every intelligence they have used that has not worked for them, I’m going to remove it. I’m replacing everything now. I’m making everything new. He said I’m going to renew your mind

Put your hands on your head and declare:

« God is renewing my mind, in the name of Jesus-Christ”

The eagle shows that your people will be precise. Everything you will do in 2017, will be with precision. You will no longer operate in darkness and confusion. The eagle walks with focus. The Lord will banish distractions out of your life, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

He said: the lion is never tired when pursuing his project. The lord will be your strength, your provision. You will no longer be tired in the name of Jesus-Christ. Whether you run a little or for a long time, you will not be tired, you will run at the speed of God.

My beloved, when God called Abraham, he was named Abram. Abram means a great father. And God said the name you have is not good. You cannot be great for yourself. You must be great for others. And God changed his name from Abram to Abraham which means the father of nations.

And I asked God what this has to do with what you are to do this year?

He said because I’m bringing you to emergence. In the world, they talk about emerging economies. But God said 2017 is your year of emergence. He said Abraham, your father had been in darkness for years. He was not known. When somebody emerges, he is known. You will be known, you will emerge. Those who do not want to know you, will know you. Those who do not want to hear you speak, they will hear you speak. They will have no option but to listen.

I called Abraham alone and I made him the father of nations. If you look into your bible very well, there are 16 prophets in the old testament that were canonized. Joseph and David were about 16 to 17 years when God begun to bring them to emergence. Nobody ever thought that Joseph will emerge, neither David. Ahaz ruled Jerusalem for 16 years, Joash reigned for 16 years. Azaria was 16 years when he became king. Josiah was 16 years when he initiated divine reform in his life. Jotham ruled for 16 years in Jerusalem. Zachariah prophesied from the 16th year of the return of the children of Israel from Babylon.

Haggai, the prophet started prophesying 16 years after the arrival of the children of Israel from Babylon. I’m saying all this so that you can see that for different times, in different scenarios, God uses different things to portray his message. For example, God uses the nation of Israel as a thermometer to measure the world.

In 2017, unusual things will happen across the nations, in your own nation and in your own life. But God will do nothing without giving us conditions for them. When you talk about God making his people and speaking to them that it’s going to be the year of extraordinaries, that you will do divine exploits then you cannot allow circumstances to hinder you, to block you, to frustrate you. If God said it’s our year of positive surprises, He wants to see his beauty in your life, he wants to see your faithfulness, your service, to see you honored.

When you talk about something emerging, it is something that understands the language of rapid growth. It will experience publicity, will become real, established on revelation, evident, rising. If you have ever dreamed of being great, this is your year. It’s your year of sochero, notable success, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

2017 will not bypass you. Best things will happen to you in 2017, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

Prayers: Let God do the miraculous in your life, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

It’s your year of pleasant and positive surprises, pray to the Lord. Thank you father. You are good to us, you are awesome. It’s our year of positive surprises and extraordinaries exploits, talk to the Lord, in the name of Jesus-Christ. Download this word into your life. You are all in all for us. You have blessed us and we are blessed. You have made us great and we are great because of your holy name, your great word. Let your name be glorified in our lives. Let the Lord accomplish this word in your life. I will not be behind, the name of the lord will be glorified in my life, in the name of Jesus-Christ. I blessed the Lord, I give you praise and I give you praise in Jesus name.

It is my year of indisputable emergence, possibility everywhere in the name of Jesus-Christ. You are blessed beyond all curses. 2017, my year of EMERGENCE INTO GREATNESS!!!