PROPHECY OF 2015_part 2



For every promise in lifLa Puissance illimitée d’une Eglise qui prie – Dr Tunde BAKAREe, there is a condition for it. If someone gives you a promise and doesn’t tell you the conditions attached to it then it is not true. Even if God gives us a blank check to go and cash blessings, if God loves you he will give you conditions to do so. If God sends his servants, be it apostles or prophets, to bring you a word of promise, if the apostle or the prophet doesn’t give you the condition attached to that promise, then it is not coming from God.


For every promise in life, there is a condition for it. If someone gives you a promise and doesn’t tell you the conditions attached to it then it is not true. Even if God gives us a blank check to go and cash blessings, if God loves you he will give you conditions to do so. If God sends his servants, be it apostles or prophets, to bring you a word of promise, if the apostle or the prophet doesn’t give you the condition attached to that promise, then it is not coming from God.

It is different from reading a passage in the Bible that God will do this, and even if it is written that God will do something, it is up you to go and look for the conditions attached to that promise. Every promise in life is based on a condition. There are also conditions for students to get their diploma. Even for the minimal things in life, there are conditions. So because of his love for us, He gave us Jesus-Christ; for God so loves the world that he gave us his only begotten son, but with a condition, “whosoever believes…” that is the condition. There is nothing that God gives that, he does not attach conditions to it. If someone tells you that God is going to bless you in a plethora way without giving you the condition to get there, that is what is called “the message of cerebral salvation”. It is just to agitate your brain and push you into temporary joy. That is what the devil wants us to do: give promises without conditions. He was the first person who sought for a position without condition.

Deuteronomy 28:1 “ »Indeed, if you diligently obey the LORD your God”, underline the “if” there, because that is the condition. Before even giving the blessings and promise, he gave a condition.

How can you obey the Lord your God? It is not our God who came to speak personally. He spoke through Moses. Remember that God is invisible but He speaks about his mouth, his hands, feet, heart. How can God who is not visible attribute head to himself? God attributes human parameters to himself to prove to you that he came down on earth in flesh. The mouth of the Lord represents those he sent; the prophets and apostles. The eyes of the Lord are prophets and apostles. The feet of the Lord are the evangelists that he sent.

In this context, how can you obey the Lord your God? It was by obeying Moses who spoke at that time. If you accepted Moses, you have accepted God. Jesus-Christ himself said, “If you receive one of these small children, you have received me. And if you receive me, you have received the person who sent me”. Anyone who gives you a prophecy; be it general or individual, without giving you the conditions to get there, is talking from his desires; it is not from the will of God.

Deuteronomy 28:1 “…to carry out all his commands that I’m giving you today, then the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth”. Have you now seen why all the people want superiority over the nations of the earth? Is there anyone who does not want to have dominion over the nations of the earth? But is it everyone who will be superior over the nations of the earth? Because it is not everyone who will fulfill the conditions to get there. Though everyone wants to succeed, is it everyone that actually succeeds? It is because there are conditions for success in life? The most important thing in life is to know the conditions because it is the fulfillment of the conditions that will bring you into the blessing. That is where God will test you to see if you are capable of getting to the point of blessings. Haven’t you seen Jesus-Christ? It is said that because of the joy and the glory that have been reserved for him, he suffered the cross and bore the shame.

Most of us, we see blessings and joy from afar. The distance between us and the joy and glory are the conditions. God will not take you there; you have to take yourself there because He has already brought the blessings.

How God does want you to receive the promises, prophecy, and the blessings of 2015? If 2015 is a year in which God has promised us proliferation of PLETHORA [proliferation of plethora means overabundance of blessings], to lay hold of this, there are conditions.

God has also told us that this year is our year of spontaneous NEW THINGS and LIMITLESS CELEBRATION. You will be saturated with celebration; that is what God has promised us in 2015. All promises, if they truly come from the Lord will bear conditions. Without conditions, no blessings even if there are promises. That is where prophets and apostles intervene. It goes beyond the level of prayer and fasting.

The 5 conditions for the blessings of 2015 prophecy

  1. First condition: Stay where God has asked us to stay with a grateful heart.

How will you know where God wants you to stay? It is for you to ask for counsel. “Pastor, must I be here?” “God told me this; can you check it for me?” There is nothing wrong in asking for counsel. Asking for counsel is not a sin. No counselor will force you to take his counsel. If you don’t know what God wants from you, ask for counsel from someone who can guide you spiritually.

I want to imagine that Abraham asked Lot to accompany him where he was after freeing him. I can imagine Lot saying that what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah was accidental, that it is not going to happen again. It was in the 14th year of the kings. It is because God had in his heart to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because they were linked to the first foundation that Cain laid on the earth. Why, the children of Abel were not able to do so? They didn’t succeed in using their brain to do something. Nowadays Christians want to live for the Lord, wait to penetrate into the house that they believe he has built for them in the paradise and don’t want to do anything here. They won’t lead accurate lifestyle and with the mindset to dominate on the earth. You have forgotten that God said in the book of Genesis “have dominion on the earth”. How can you have dominion without knowing and fulfilling the conditions; without an impeccable lifestyle?

Stay where God has located you with a grateful heart. The worst seduction this year will come from people who love us naturally. They might give information like rumors. There is nothing that dislocates in life like rumors. When the devil sees that you are well located and he is not able to dislocate you, he will move your family members or so called friends to spread rumors that will push you into a fake progress. He will give a cerebral progress as if you are progressing but you are not. You are just turning from one cycle to another but your age is increasing.

Stay where God positioned you and told you to stay. If God puts you somewhere, he will ensure your security, your provision, your progress. Remember that it is not where you go that is important in life; it is where God has placed you that He will be with you, protect you, provide for your needs and ensure your progress. It is only God who can make the difference. It is not because you went to a developed country that will make the difference.

Genesis 26: “And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar” There was a threat (famine) upon the life of Isaac at that time and he wanted to go back to his country but God intervened. There could be rumors to tell Isaac that other countries were better; that instead of staying where there is nothing to eat, why not go to where there will be resources. Why do you think, people from some countries are perishing in the sea trying to go to France or Italy?

God himself has told us in the book of Deuteronomy 8:18 “Remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the power to become rich. He does this because he is still faithful today to the covenant that he made with your ancestors.” Riches do not come because you know a country; neither does it come because you know a person. It doesn’t come because you have a rich family. If you built riches for a man that you haven’t built, he will end up destroying those riches. The man you have formed can also form riches. Riches do not form man. It comes from the Lord and it is a blessing that, him alone, gives. It is not because you are strong. It is God who gives the power, the strength, wisdom and the might to acquire riches. That is why you have to dwell where God will position you in 2015. Don’t give your ears to rumors because it will destroy you. Jesus-Christ before rising to heaven warned us about rumors: “Beware of rumors, because it will lead you to destruction and disappointment”

Genesis 26:2 “The LORD had appeared to Isaac and had said, « Do not go to Egypt;” Isaac didn’t say he was going to Egypt but God saw in his heart that he wanted to go to a place where there is no famine. And the country left with no famine is Egypt. God said: You will be dislocated or relocated and I’m not with in Egypt. If I’m not waiting for you in Egypt, there won’t be blessings for you. But since I love you, this place is a bit difficult; the money of that country is crashing. The inflation is increasing. Everything is becoming expensive but God told Isaac “… stay in this land, where I have asked you to stay”, despite of the famine. How many ears do you have? What haven’t you understood in “Stay here”? Stay here is stay here. He obeyed. If there is a famine and God told you to stay, he knows how to provide for your need, provide for your health, he will protect you in the country even if there is war and He will prepare a future for you AMEN.

Stay where God has asked you to stay with a grateful heart and see what he will do.  Do not accept RUMORS this year; it is the way towards disappointment and destruction. That is what Isaac did and God appeared to him and said “Live here and I will be with you and bless you. I am going to give all this territory to you and to your descendants. I will keep the promise I made to your father Abraham.” If Isaac had gone to Egypt, that would have been the end for him. It is different from when someone sends you somewhere thinking he is making you to suffer. But if you decide yourself to go somewhere without knowing where God wants you to go, it will be a little complicated.

Stay where God has asked you to stay with a grateful heart. Don’t listen to rumors because they are the way to disappointment and destruction. Avoid rumors by relying on God where he has positioned you.

  1. The second condition:what you find to do in 2015, or what God has asked you to do in 2015, do it with joy without murmuring.

The celebration will look for you and find you there . You are going to celebrate there even if it seems difficult, even if it appears like suffering, stay there, do what you are doing, love what you are doing, accept what you are doing, and accept the person who asked you to do it without murmuring. The celebration will come and find you there. Do you know in which context and condition Elijah found Elisha? We only know what Elisha did but we don’t know under which context and condition the prophet Elijah found Elisha. Elisha was not part of the sons of prophet. He was someone attached to the work of his father at home. He was only working in the farm of his father. He will lead the cattle to plow the land. He was doing that without murmuring though it was rigorous, difficult. And God said to Elijah “I know a man, I’ve seen a man who perseveres, who is rigorous, and who endures. He has a heart that is attached to what he does. He loves what he does. He does not complain” God said to Elijah “Go and anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat”. 1 Kings 19:16 “…and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.” 1 Kings 19:19 “Elijah left and found Elisha plowing with a team of oxen; there were eleven teams ahead of him, and he was plowing with the last one. Elijah took off his cloak and put it on Elisha”. Elisha didn’t give any CV. I can imagine that the sons of the prophet were thinking that it will be one of them that Elijah will choose. When Elijah came before Elisha, he threw the jacket upon him. The latter ran to Elijah and said: 1 Kings 19:20 “…let me kiss my father and mother good-bye, and then I will go with you. » Elijah asked him: “What do I have to do with you?” Everyone knows the significance of a prophet throwing his jacket on you. It is a prophetic call. 1 Kings 19:21 “Elijah answered, all right, go back. I’m not stopping you! Then Elisha went to his team of oxen, killed them, and cooked the meat, using the yoke as fuel for the fire. He gave the meat to the people, and they ate it. Then he went and followed Elijah as his helper”. That is how Elisha became the servant of Elijah. When he was going to live there, celebration came to visit him while he was doing what God asked him to do. You know the story of David. He was not seeking to be the servant of the King or to be a King one day. He was contented with what he was doing in the desert. Are you contented with what you are doing in the secret; be it as a student or a worker, director or a cleaner? Are you proud of what you are doing? Can you say what I am doing now, I’m doing it with all my heart and I love it and I’m doing without stain? At the end, God troubled the King on the throne and they looked for David in the forest.

Consider Joseph. He was in prison. I’m saying all this so that you do what you do with joy without murmuring and celebration will come and look for you. Joseph was in the prison and God said what he was doing was prospering. I don’t know what you can do in the prison for it to prosper but God said he prospered even in the prison. The chief guard of the prison was not considering all that Joseph was doing because he considered Joseph as a faithful man. Instead of treating the violent people in the prison, he was reserved to treat the people that the King himself will send to prison. That is how he found the way to the King. He did what he was asked to do without murmuring though it was difficult, hard; he never questioned the authority of his master. He understood right from the start that a disciple is not more than his master and that a servant is not more than his master. So he respected his master: in his heart, in the absence and in the presence of his master, with the fear of God….. No eye service. God sought for him; promotion and celebration came to look for him. The day God will look for you, it will be with celebration. You will be inundated with celebration. Amen!

“Continue in what you are doing without murmuring; continue in what God has asked you to do without murmuring; continue in what you have been given to do without murmuring, with a respectful heart towards the person who gave the assignment. Your Obedience must not be questioned during your service and, that way, celebration will come and look for you in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen!”

  1. Third condition: Be a son or a daughter of consolation, of assistance, of encouragement for anyone sent to accomplish an assignment or for anyone sent to accomplish a responsibility in 2015.

When you see someone on the way, in school, at work who has been sent to accomplish an assignment and you see that he does not know what to do, he asked for your assistance, help him. If you see someone who is sad, find words to console the person. I didn’t ask you to go to school during exams and help someone cheat during exam.

That was what characterized Barnabas. He was called “son of consolation”. Be a son and daughter of consolation in 2015. The Shunamite woman from Shunem in 2Kings 4 is a woman of consolation. Barnabas was a son of consolation. In fact, Barnabas was the point of access to Saul to the apostles. After spending 14 years, Saul came back and Barnabas, from Cyprus, came to look for him. He brought him to the apostles. He spoke well of him, he spoke in the way that he was welcomed and the hearts of the apostles were at peace. Paul was then received. That was how, he was sent to accomplish other assignment. When you become a son or daughter of consolation, spontaneous NEW THINGS will seek for you.

“In 2015, I’ll be and I am already a son, a daughter of consolation, of assistance, of encouragement for anyone sent to accomplish an assignment”

  1. Fourth condition: avoid by all possible means strife, quarrels be it in the market, in the house, on the way, at school, at work from deep within your heart.

Don’t feign appearance of peace whereas in your heart you are nursing SRIFE. Avoid by all possible means strife, quarrels. Be like children in strife but be like adults in understanding. Never start strife, never encourage strife, never continue in strife, seek for peace by all means with everyone around you.

“Avoid by all possible means strife, quarrels, and discontentment. Never start that, never encourage and never continue in it”

There is nothing that makes me superior to you and there is nothing too that prevents you from respecting me. Respect for one another produces a society of peaceful people. We have to respect ourselves and respect one another without despising others.

  1. Fifth condition: Avoid carelessness.

It will be costly in 2015. What you neglected in 2014 and that was overlooked or forgotten easily, in 2015 it won’t be the same because to whom much is given, much is expected. Avoid carelessness by all possible means, watch against it, and hate it passionately. In fact, God destroyed an entire city because of carelessness. Do you know what characterized Sodom and Gomorrah? They were cities where people were careless, carefree and too much at ease. When there is carelessness, there will be complacency. It means you are filled with food and you don’t care about what is left. Zephaniah 2:1 “Shameless nation, come to your senses“

It is said: think and examine yourself. If you have a reflection and you don’t examine yourself you will condemn others but when you do reflection and examine yourself, you will see change; you will see what is lacking in you. Are there not people who said I thought of it and I took a decision? It is not how it is done in life. Think first of all and examine yourself as well; see if you are faulty.

Zephaniah 2:2 “before you are driven away like chaff blown by the wind, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day when he shows his fury” So what make these people like senseless people?

Zephaniah 2:15 “This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly,…” The city thought they were already secured. Don’t think you are already secured. You think you have everything you want but you are far from what you want. When evil will happen to you, you will be broken into pieces. There will be no one to help you. That is what God is saying here: “That is what will happen to the city that is so proud of its own power and thinks it is safe…” In an hour, Babylon was destroyed. When the evil will come upon you, you won’t know from where it is coming. Stop using the name of God, saying I believe in Jesus to perpetuate yourself in injustice and to despise the apostolic and prophetic grace. The mouth of the prophet that you despised will pursue, overtake you and neutralize you till you kneel down before the prophet because God will not do anything without revealing his secrets to his servants, the prophets.

Zephaniah 2:15 “…that said in her heart, I am, and there is none beside me”

“Myself and more than myself”

Who is more than you? The Lord is. It is not that they say it with their mouths; it is in their hearts.

It will not catch you where you think it will catch you. If those who did that in the past didn’t escape, you are not the one who will escape that. The book of Zephaniah is referring to Babylon. Remember that Babylon was the city God sent Jonah to prophesy. Jonah refused because he said at the end God will forgive them. My prayer is that no one will be destroyed because God has no desire to see the wicked die but to change. But when a wicked persists in evil and he dies, it is because of his wickedness. Babylon was destroyed between 100 and 150 after the prophecy of Jonah.

Those who have offended you, when they come to ask for forgiveness, forgive them. Your heart must be large enough to avoid strife and quarrel in 2015. You cannot be anointed and be offended at the same time. You cannot bear the Holy-Spirit and be bitter at the same time. It will not work; it means you are walking in the flesh. It means you are a carnal man.

Watch against carelessness and avoid it and God will be with your spirit.

That is how to get access to this promise. Next time, I’ll talk to you about the precautions in 2015. It means the watch notes. The things that you have to be careful about in 2015. If you do so, you will be filled with joy; your life will be filled with joy; what you do will be filled with joy; your resources will be filled with joy and joy will be your security, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen!

“I declare upon you all, right from the beginning of this year till the end that you are going to bear projects in your spiritual womb till full term. There won’t be abortion in the way, there won’t be abortion of projects in your life. There won’t be abortion of children. There won’t be abortion of resources; since God has started right from the beginning, he will finish till the end with you. You will only have good news in the multitude of bad news. You will have reasons to thank God and celebration will seek, find you, pursue and overtake you. No evil will happen to you right from the beginning of this year till the end, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! When they are looking for someone to favor, you will be sought, and found. You won’t be late for favor before men and God. Where there are evils, God will prevent you from such evils. The person who seeks to bring you bad news this year, God will take him away from you, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! The person who will favor you this year financially, materially, logistically, he will look for you and find you; he won’t find peace till he finds you. The news that will bring you the best of this year will seek for you and find you, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! I will not lose anyone among you; no one will die prematurely because of an accident, a sickness, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! As the days of trees are limitless, the days of your life will be limitless. As the celebration of God is limitless, the days of your celebration will be limitless you, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! You are going to have new things of different forms, different types that will be spontaneous. They will look for and overtake you, in the name of Jesus-Christ, Amen! No evil will happen to your family members, in the name of Jesus-Christ,                                                                                                                                                     

All will be well with you, all must be will for you, all is already well with you in The YEAR 2015 AMEN!