Part 1: 2016 is the year of matchless Honor, unprecedented favor, and immeasurable restoration


I start this message by citing two people who made prominent statements. The first person was called James Conan. He said and I quote “Liberty like charity must begin at home” and I added “When it is not so, the foundation of that home will not be strong”. Another man, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from France said and I quote “Man was born free but everywhere, he is chained” chained in his mind, chained psychologically, chained by fears, by the things that are passed, by his today, by his tomorrow, chained economically, emotionally, physiologically; socially he is chained. Even in his spiritual life, he is chained by sins. He is chained by guilt, by shame.

God in his love, God because of his love always seeks, always devices how to set man free. He seeks everyday how to set free a family. He looks for ways to set the people free. He looks for means to set a nation free so that he can reign, rule over the people and the nations. That is why God reveals himself to specific people in a chosen family, in different generations so that their captivity can be broken, so that they can be free to do what they love to do. He did it before, he is doing it now, and he will still do it after we are long gone. He started with Noah. He reveals himself as a God of all grace. All the people in the generations of Noah, his forefathers, all lived in misery after the fall of Adam and God reveals himself to Noah “I’m the God of all grace.” Those who lived before you, they never found grace in my sight but I’ll show you grace. That is the first place you will see grace written in the bible. He left Noah and we all know the story of Noah and all of his exploits.

He started again with Abraham. He told Abraham, I’m the God called El Shaddaï, I made provision available where there exists nothing at all. I can eliminate your fear, I can do the impossible. I’m El Shaddaï. We know the stories of Abram before he became Abraham; how God took him from the other side of the sea and separated him from idolatry which his parents and his forefathers were known for. He chose him and blessed him alone and told him “you will become the father of nations.” He left Abraham and Abraham turned generations upside down. We are all children of faith today because of Abraham.

Several centuries after, he visited Joseph and sent him to another country and he revealed himself to him. I’m the one who can lift the poor from the ashes and establish as a king, as a prince in an unknown country. That means your country and your position is not important to God if God is with you. And we saw that Joseph became a prime minister in a foreign country where he knew nobody but God was with him.

God left Joseph and visited Moses. We all know the stories of Moses. There was a law that every child at the age less than 2 or 3 must be killed but when the parents gave birth to Moses, they perceived that this was a proper child so they hid him. And when they could no longer hide him, God put a strategy in the heart of the mother. The daughter of Pharaoh saw the child and fell in love with him because he was crying. There are tears that God cannot close his eyes to. There are tears and there are tears. And so from that moment, God changed the story of the children of Israël. He was raised in the kingdom of Egypt and 40 years after he was sent to captivity and when he finished from the captivity, 40 years after he came back. God is a God of wonder. You can think that it is finished with you but God is saying I’m just starting all over with you. But for the people in the generation of Moses, they thought that Moses was long gone, that it is finished with him. He can never come back to life; we have sent him permanently out of Egypt. There is no way he can make it back in life again, but when God says it is not over with you, anybody who says it is over with you is wasting his time. God brought back Moses and started all over with him. He said : you are the same person that they said it is all over with, I’m going to use you again to do the impossible. And God revealed himself to him and said “I’ve never revealed myself this way before. I’m going to reveal myself in a special way. People before you knew me as El Shaddai who can do all things but they do not know the other side of my person. I’m going to reveal myself in a different way. I’m going to show you I’m God, man of war.” And from generations to generations, God revealed himself in different forms. God can visit you anyhow, he doesn’t need your permission. He knows what to tell you.

My beloved, if you do not like who you are, your not liking it will not change it. If you do not love what you are doing, your hating what you are doing will not make you find a better thing. Before you say, you do not like who you are, what is happening in your life, you must ask yourself basic questions. ‘What is it exactly you do not like about yourself? What is it exactly you do not like about what you are doing? Ask yourself, what is wrong with what you are doing? How does what you do not like make you feel ? Are you angry about who you are? Are you ashamed about who you are?’ Your anger and your shame will not turn you around. It will not make you to perform better. You must locate what is wrong in what you are doing before you can initiate a replacement strategy. You must ask yourself what will I like to change about my life? 2016 is knocking on the door. Many people will make different resolutions. “I will not like to do this in 2016, I will like to do this, Oh God help me.” I’m asking you a fundamental question: what would you like to change exactly about your life ? Your not liking your life will not change it. Your not liking what you are doing will not change what you are doing. Locate exactly what you do not like there. You must remember that your disliking what you are doing, your not loving who you are will only generate negative feelings but you must know how to capitalize on your negative feelings because they are supposed to trigger positive actions. When you locate what you want to change, you must ask yourself how could I change it? How will I change it? The moments you know what you want to change about your life, you can now formulate a replacement strategy.

Today by God’s grace, I will be prophesying about you and me, about this church and about all the people under the shelter and the banner of this minister and those that will come here after.

God will not wait for a particular year before he speaks to you about that year. So if you have your bible, open with me 2Kings 2:19-22, Luke 9:12-16, Leviticus 25. God spoke to me about all the nations that are in this church. All the nations represented in this church and all the nations represented by us in other nations.

I’m going to tell you the centrality of the prophecy of 2016. I will give you the peculiarities of the prophecy of 2016, the significance of the prophecy of 2016. I will tell you how you can participate and partake of this blessing, I have verified with all the energy of God in my life. Every word that God has spoken to me will be Yes and Amen! Because the word of God will not return to him void. When he says it, he does it. There is no reverse gear with God. When he says it, he does it and he goes ahead to accomplish his words. Every promise of God is forever yes and Amen! God will not mix yes and no together. When he says yes, it is yes, and when he says no, it is no. There is no “yes and no with God”. Open your hearts because of the members of your family because this word concerns you and the members of your family, the country you came from. I’m full of the spirit of God today in all humility. The spirit is boiling in me.

2Kings 2: 19-“The men who lived in the city addressed Elisha. « Look now, » they said, « our city’s location is good, as you have been observing, but the water springs here are bad and the land isn’t sustaining crops.” Let me give you a lowdown of what is happening here. After the departure of Elijah, the sons of prophets in Jericho, they numbered 50, they came to Elishah and said “Elishah, your master is gone but we know where he is gone to. Permit us to go and look for him at the valley of Jericho. Elishah told them not to go. I know where he is gone to. You don’t know where my master is. They pestered his life until he became ashamed because they mocked him. So he said “Go and look for him” Elijah is a man that appears and disappears because God can do whatever things he wants to do. If you wan to know what I’m talking, go and study the life of Elijah. Elishah told them not to go but they did go. 50 people during three days, they didn’t find him. So, they came ashamed also. And he now told them “Did I not tell you not to go and look for him because you will not find him. He is gone to where you and I would like to go to. » So from there, in the same city of Jericho, the people came to the prophet Elishah and they said “Oh man of God, the situation in this country is very very good ….” The situation in the city of each person here is very good. You cannot say that God hasn’t blessed your nation. You cannot tell me that your nation is not rich. For the fact that your country doesn’t have petroleum doesn’t make it poor. There are resources more important than petrol. There is no nation represented here that is not rich. That is why you see that Morocco is ahead of many nations. They know how to manage the little that they have. So they came to Elishah “Oh man of God, the situation in this city is good…” The situation in your life is good. People will look at you and said that you are looking very good but they do not know the sufferings inside your heart. They do not know what you are going through but they will just look at you because you are well-dressed, put powder and they said that everything about you is good. They came to the man of God “Oh man of God, the situation in this city is very good but the water is bitter” That is the resources. The skills in your life cannot produce results. 2Kings 2:19-22 “The men who lived in the city addressed Elisha. « Look now, » they said, « our city’s location is good, as you have been observing, but the water springs here are bad and the land isn’t sustaining crops.” Are you not the city set upon the hills? Did God not say that you are the city set upon the hills, that cannot be hidden, whose light must be seen across the nations.

May God show you where to go to the day of your problem. May God show who to go to the day of your problem. Before Elishah, I do not know how they coped with the problem but the moment they learned that Elishah has come, the whole people (the leaders) in the city. Where there is no leader, the people will be without restriction, where there is no vision, there is no leader. And when there is a leader and there is no vision, the people will perish. And so the people came, they have very good vision, they located the problem. If you cannot locate the problem in your life, how can you solve it? The fact that you are not happy will not solve a problem. For the fact that you are sad does not solve a problem. You must locate the problem. So the elders in the city located the problem and they discussed amongst themselves where shall we go to? And I can imagine a wise leader among them telling them let us go to the prophet. He has the solution. And so they came to the prophet “Oh man of God, as you can see, my life, everybody says I’m good that I’m blessed, that I’m happy but I’m pretending to be happy. People did not know what is happening inside my heart. I’m a sad person but I succeed in covering my real person from the unreal person. So people do not know who I’m. When people see me, oh we can see the glory of God all over you but I know that there is bitterness in my soul. And so the people came “Oh man of God, you can see the city that is very beautiful, but the ressources there are bitter. The ground is sterile, it cannot produce. Everything inside is corrupt. Are you saying that your country is corrupt? That is why you are here today because you are the agents of change for that region. The corruption that is killing people there will not catch up with you because you are generation without corruption, in the name of Jesus-Christ. And the prophet said what will I do for you ? Let’s look at the prophetic solution. 2Kings 2:20  Elisha ordered them, « Bring me a new bowl and put some salt in it. » So they brought him what he had requested. 2Kings 2:21  Elisha went out to the springs, threw the salt into them, and declared,” What he did was simple as ABC. Except God give you the wisdom to resolve a problem, you can perambulate around the problem until it knock you out. So he said give a bowl with a salt.