Part 1: 2016 is the year of matchless Honor, unprecedented favor, and immeasurable restoration


There are central things upon which the 2016 prophecy is built. For eveyone of you, I’m welcoming you already in 2016. As you see me enter 2016, you are entering with me in jubilee, into my golden jubilee, in the name of Jesus-Christ. And everything that has been holding you back, has been destroyed. Every guilt that has been holding you back, they are destroyed in the name of Jesus-Christ, every word that has been holding you back are destroyed in the name of Jesus-Christ. You are moved into your destiny and grace will kiss your destiny. The grace of God will kiss your destiny. And so Absalom run with 50 people but he only run in vain. He didn’t do that alone. Those who do not learn from other’s people mistake will be elimminated the way others are eliminated. But If you learn from the errors of others, you will become good example for others to follow. Adonijas was the junior brother of Absalom so you will expect that Adonijas will have learnt the error of his brother Absalom but he never learnt. David their father, was not yet dead when Adonijas started scheming how to become the king because David was already old. David did not say anything. He allowed everybody to be free. Some of the time, you think you are free, but you know you are not free.  At the end of the day, Adonijas used the same strategy in different form, in a different time like Absalom. He sent 50 people to sing of his praise that he will become the king. 1Kings 1:1-5 « When David had grown very old, they covered him with blankets, but he could not keep warm, so his servants suggested to him, « Let’s look for a young virgin woman to take care of you, your majesty. She will be of use to you if you have her lie down near you so that your majesty may keep warm. So they conducted a search throughout the territory of Israel for a beautiful young woman, and Abishag the Shunammite was located and brought to the king. The young woman was absolutely beautiful. She served the king and was very useful to him. The king was not sexually involved with her. Meanwhile, about this time Haggith’s son Adonijah began to seek a reputation for himself and decided, « I’m going to be king! » So he prepared chariots, cavalry, and 50 soldiers to serve as a security detail to guard him.” The same error of his brother did not show any signal to him. When you are in the same home, and you see the errors of your brothers and you fortify yourself in their errors, it leads to regret. Most people are guilty because of the errors that they copy from their elder brothers and sisters. Some people are guilty and ashamed today because they know they cannot be an example for others because you do not learn from the errors of those in the past. And you see in these differents scriptures, there was a mention of the number 50. Leviticus 25.

God so much loved us. Nobody can ever define the love of God for human beings. His love for us goes beyond our imagination of his love for us. So he devices, he looks for ways to ensure that we are free because he knows that the devil is so manipulative that he takes people in captivity. God seeks for ways to set us free by all means because if you are in captivity, many things will not work in your life.

In the book of Leviticus, God gave a rule to the children of children in the time of Moses. The people were in captivity. They have taken in captivity their lands, their homes, their finances, their health. The moment you are in the captivity of the devil, everything falls in places.

Lev 25:8 « Count for yourselves seven years of Sabbaths, seven times seven years.” For the past 2 months, I’ve been teaching, preaching about rest. I’ve spent all my energy telling you the secrets about God’s rest. Rest is one of the gift from God. It is not just only for you to rest in the house. God knows why he asks us to rest. And so, God knew that people will violate this rule. I am not talking about the 7th day adventist. That is part of religion because there is no single day that is holy. Every day of the Lord is holy before the Lord. And so, God asked the children of Israël through Moses; he said when you get to your land, whenever God is speaking, he will use the life of the person who is the speaker as a barometer to dictate what he is saying, to determine what he is saying, and to define what he says. The Lord said I don’t want anybody to be poor but there will always be poor people amongst you. There is nothing that I’ll say, no preaching that I’ll preach, there are still some people who will believe that it is their destiny to be poor. So I asked them some of the time, as I’m asking you today “Why did Jesus-Christ die? Why did he give us his grace?” simple as ABC. Jesus-Christ become poor. He had all the riches of the heaven and all the riches of the earth, he become poor because of you and me so that we can inherit his riches. If YOU LOOK into the life of the people who believe that they have to be poor, it is because they cannot practice that word of God “Give and it will given unto you.” They cannot practice running away from greed. So god gave the rule in verse 8. Lev 25:8-  « Count for yourselves seven years of Sabbaths, seven times seven years. This set of seven weeks of years total forty nine years for you. Sound a horn on the tenth day of the seventh month of this fiftieth year. Likewise on the Day of Atonement sound the horn throughout your land. « Set aside and consecrate the fiftieth year to declare liberty throughout the land for all of its inhabitants. It is to be a jubilee for you. »

I thought that the Lord had already set them free from the hand of Egyptian. So why is God declaring another liberty? Why is God looking for another freedom when they are already freed from the hands of the children of Egypt. So why looking for another liberty? Because he knows that the children of Israël can take themselves into captivity. My beloved, do you realize that it is easy to take somebody away from perversion but it is difficult to remove perversion from his heart. You can take somebody from poverty but it is difficult to remove poverty from the heart of that person. That is why you see many people will still believe that they are born to be poor. They are born not to be successful. And so God set the rule there, the 50th will be declared a holy year, a year of freedom, a year of jubilee.

Lev 25:11 « The fiftieth year is to be a year of jubilee for you. You are not to sow or harvest the spilled kernels that grow of itself or pick grapes from the untrimmed vines”. In 2016, God will work for you, the work that you cannot work for yourself, God will work for you, the place you cannot go by yourself God will go there for you and what people cannot obtain, God will obtain it for you. In 2016, God will simplify your heaviness, in the name of Jesus-Christ. In 2016, every heaviness, every setback, they will be overturned. You will be seen ahead of those who thought you will never make it, in the name of Jesus-Christ.