Part 1: 2016 is the year of matchless Honor, unprecedented favor, and immeasurable restoration


Jubilee signifies Joy. It is the year where God will allow you to be who you want to be. You will have joy beyond measures. Your joy will have no end.

The peculiarities and the characteristics of 2016

I’m telling you what God told me himself. HE SAID, 2016 WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF THE BEST OF ALL BEST YEARS. The best of all best years ahead. You can count the number of best years you have ahead, 2016 is the beginning. You thought that you ever experienced anything good from the Lord? Wait in 2016! It is the beginning of all best years, in the name of Jesus-Christ. You will grow mentally in the name of Jesus-Christ. You will mature psycologically. If you look into the book of Leviticus 25, there were 7 sabbat of 7 years. Before 50 years, there are 7 sabbath for each year. So if you count 7 sabbat and 7, it gives 49 sabbat. IT IS A WAY OF TELLING YOU, IN 2016, IN THE NAME OF Jesus-Christ, YOUR REST WILL BE MULTIPLE, INDESTRUCTIBLE, IN THE NAME OF Jesus-Christ ! YOU WILL HAVE PEACE OF MIND. IF YOU ARE IN THE REST OF GOD, YOU HAVE PEACE OF MIND IN THE MIDST OF CALAMITY. OTHERS MAY EXPERIENCE CALAMITIES.

Two examples quickly. One will make you laugh, and the other willl make you think. The first one is about Jonas. Do you notice that Jonas, in the ship that he was traveling in, he was the problem there. And the people were looking for the problem everywhere because they knew that at that point of the year it was abnormal to have wind interferences. So they started asking themselves. Where does this problem come from ? Where is the source of this problem? First and foremost, they looked into their life, they didn’t find any fault in themselves. Evil people don’t see evil in themselves. If you cannot locate the problem in yourself, you will always point accusing fingers on others that they are the sources of my problem. In 2016, you’d better help yourself avoid blaming others. When you avoid blaming in 2016, you are helping yourself. In 2016, when you deliberately avoid blaming others, you are helping yourself and you are accelerating success around yourself. Because blaming someone will put that person in captivity. The captivity of somebody does not set you free neither. When they asked themselves multiple questions, they didn’t find answers. Remember what I told you about replacement strategy. This is how I live. This is what I live by the spirit of God. I’m what I’m today by the grace of God and by the favour of my wife in the name of Jesus-Christ. And so they came to Jonas. Jonas was in the same ship with them but lo and behold, the creator of the problem has the audacity to sleep in the problem. Others were panicking. You can be sure that he was changing the gear in the sleep. And when the captain realized that, that man was sleeping too deep. He said “wake up man. What do you mean by sleeping in this kind of problem”.

In 2016, in spite of the crises around you, in spite of the calamities that will rage across the nations, you will sleep in your problems. You will have sound sleep in your problems because the solution is around you, in the name Jesus-Christ.

And so they asked Jonas many questions in less than 3 seconds. He said that “as a matter of fact, I’m a prophet sent by God. The problem you are having is not ordinary. I’m the cause. He located the problem and now he initiates a replacement strategy. So how do I solve the problem?” Why did he not carry himself and draw himself in the water? Why ask somebody to kill you when you can kill yourself? So that God can blame somebody else.

Everything that is looking to kill, to strangle you, they are broken today in the name of Jesus-Christ. And you are set free into liberty, in the name of Jesus-Christ because the right connection has come to connect yourself. That was how prophet Jonas was thrown inside the water because he refused to throw himself inside the water.

The second one was about our Lord Jesus-Christ. He was in the ship with his disciples going to another territory and there was this tempest hitting the boat but lo and behold, the captan was busy struggling but the real captain of all captains was busy sleeping. The real captain of all captain that is carrying your life, in the name of Jesus-Christ will give you rest in your season, peace in your season, satisfaction in your season, promotion in your season, fruitfulness in your season. And Jesus-Christ knew that his life is in the hand of God. Have you not read in the bible that those who trust in the Lord, they are like mount Zion. They can never be shaken. As the Lord is about Jerusalem, in like manner, the Lord is about his people. And so Jesus-Christ had nothing to worry about. Those who are in the rest of the Lord, they don’t worry about anything. What they will eat is already provided for. About what they will wear, is already provided for, about where they will sleep is already provided for. Their destiny is already certified. Their pursuit is already guaranteed. Everything about their life is God in charge, God in control. In 2016, anything that is seeking to deprive you of your rest, in the name of Jesus-Christ, you are gaining the leverage to crush that thing, in the name of Jesus-Christ. And so Jesus-Christ asked them, why are you trembling and panicking ? They said it is the tempest. Where he was, they didn’t tell us that he went there to shout. He could step out and walk on water, he can ask all of them to walk on water and allow the ship to capsize. When you are in your rest, you have authority over all creation including the wind, disaster. You can command disaster to begin to produce for you, in the name of Jesus-Christ. You will become fresh in the midst of dryness. He commanded the sea to be calm. It was an order. In the name of Jesus-Christ, in 2016, the authorities in your leaps will be upheld by the Lord in the name of Jesus-Christ. When you say it, God will perform it. When you do it, God will bring out results.

It is your year of jubilee. It signifies the year of endless joy. it is a year where you have been set free, exonerated from, where you have experienced emancipation from every form of bondage, from all your faults. I want you to go and name everything that you think you have done in your life, everything you thought you have done in your life, that you feel you are guilty of, go and write them wherever you can write them.

In 2016, you are free from them all. No matter the accusations of the devil his accusation stops today. I’m saying this with authority because the Lord has ordained to do. Everything you have done, everything they have done in your name, everything they have done on your behalf, that have been mitigated and working against you, today I declare your total and absolute emancipation from them all. It is a year of interminable freedom. Social freedom, spiritual and economic freedom. You have been in lack ? 2016 will spell good things for you. 2016 is your year of unprecedented favor.

In fact, God added it to me that it will be a year of explosive favor where favor will meet you wherever you go. Favor will track your path. Have you been saying that others have favor and you don’t have? 2016 will be different. Your story will be different in 2016. Favor will track your movements, your steps, wherever you go, favor will be your companion in the name of Jesus-Christ. The Lord told me that in 2016, you will experience honor in first degree. In 2016, you will experience restoration in an indescribable and unmatchable way. Have you been stolen from before ? Have you ever been denied of what is legally yours? 2016 is a year of change in your life. Those who thought they have cheated you, they save what they stole from you for you. Those who thought they have stolen your joy, your ressources, your brain. Everyone who thought that they have stolen your goodness in life, those who thought they have stolen your ability to live right, I declare upon you today, they didn’t steal anything from you, they only kept it in stock for you because it does not belong to them and when God is going to give you back, it is going to be with interest. Lift up your two hands and begin to declare unto the Lord “Everything that they have stolen from me, everything that have been taken away from me, in the name of Jesus-Christ, I receive restoration with interest” God is restoring you in 2016 in an indescribable way and unmatchable way in everything.

There are many people among you, they don’t know what to do again, they just play along everyday because they are tired of their life. Whatever thing will happen, just let it happen. God you know me, I’m tired. I’m just playing along as if I’m still living. They are tired of falling in love because they have been deceived, denied and destroyed many times. They have been abused several times. Some are even afraid to go back to school. Even though they are still in school, they are afraid to continue in that school because they don’t know what to do there after. Some are doing the job that they do not love to do because they are tired. Many are in debt, in distress, disillusioned because  the crises of life have been heavily upon them. But I’m declaring and prophesying upon you this day, in 2016, your story is changing. You are going to experience restoration in an indescribable way.

Those who have been oppressed, dishonored, despised, you will experience restoration. Those who despise will turn to your God in 2016. The factor that will work for you is God factor. God factor is on your side in 2016. Where you never thought your name will be mentioned for good, your name will be mentioned. That is where honor will come from. The place you don’t expect that your name will be mentioned for good because you thought you know nobody, your name will be mentioned there, they will send for you, send for me, send for us in this place in this nation and across the nations of the earth. God is restoring you emtionnally, in your health, in your job, in your academic, the members of your family. The years that you have been deprived from good things, God will multiply those years and restore them back to you. The years you have experienced sadness, evil, God is going to look at these years. The years you have cried in secret, the years you have experienced torment, God is looking into those years. I can see the mirror of God, the telescope of God looking into the secrets of your life, the things that have caused you shame, reproach and confusion, I can see God looking at them and telling you just be patient for me. 2016 is changing everything for you. God will look at the years of your sufferings,  evil and is going to multiply them and restore unto you the years of his goodness, the year of his favor, the year of his promotion, the year of his honor. Open your mouth and cry restoration 7 times for yourself.

Have you ever experienced fear? The solution to fear is rest. Have you ever experienced anguish? The solution is rest. Have you ever experienced threat? Or lack of self-confidence? The solution to those things is rest. That is why Jesus-Christ said “come to me all you that are labored and heavily burdened and tired and I will give you the gift of heaven”. The gift of heaven is rest. Jesus-Christ is our rest. Run immediately to Christ so that your rest can be assured, so that your rest can be stamped, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

In 2016, I saw convergence. As there was convergence, there was also divergence. And I asked God what is all this? He said many people are off the track of their destiny. They are off track and they are crying in their heart “Oh God, show me my destiny, I want to fulfill my destiny” And God said “Have you seen them? They are passionate and they are talented and they have the necessary skills but they are sidetracked of their destiny. And God told me when he revealed to me “have you seen the convergence? Destinies are converging with my grace. Destinies of people are converging with the grace of God. And when the destiny converges with the grace of God, in the midst of confusion, you have direction. And I asked “What about these divergence I’m seeing?” He said iti’s normal. You cannot express convergence without divergence. What have taken them away from me before, instead of taking them away from me, they will bring them back to me and the evil things they love doing before that are taking them away from me are the divergence you are seeing but I’m ruling over them. I’m the God of convergence and divergence and I’ll take side with my people. Anything that is seeking to diverge your life from the path of your destiny, either your friend, no matter who the person might be, God himself will become his ennemy. Because God has said the factor that will work for you in 2016 is called God factor, in the name of Jesus-Christ. Is there anyone who had this kind of approval in the bible before? that was what happen to Noah. When the destiny of Noah converges with the grace of God, God shifted him from just being a comforter but to be a refresher. When the grace of God entered your life, you will see refreshment everywhere, refreshed in the spirit, in your mind, in what you are doing, in your home, in your health, in the name of Jesus-Christ. Your ideas will be refreshed. Your thoughts will be refreshed. Your words will be seasoned with grace and salt because they are refreshed. And you will become a blessing. There is nobody that is refreshed that is not a blessing.

15 is the number of faithfulness and loyalty. God himself expect your faithfulness and loyalty. You will not lack any good thing in 2016. Note what I’m saying. God spread it up to 2018.That was exactly what he told me. He said from 2016 to 2018, your people will lack no good thing. You will not lack any good thing. There might be crises everywhere, turbulences and financial meltdown across the nations, in the name ofJesus-Christ. What is not supposed to produce for you will produce for you. What does not succeed in producing for others will produce for you. The person that will help you will lack no good thing in life, in the name of Jesus-Christ.

2016 is a year where you have different kinds of news but this is what the Lord told me. He said the abundance of good news of joy will strangle every incoming bad news. Every prospect of bad news will be strangled and I saw a carrier of bad news strangled on the way because the person was not sent to deliver it. The person in the spirit was not sent to deliver it because there was an order that for you, no bad news but the only way to destabilize you is for the person to bring the bad news. The spirit cautioned him “don’t deliver this bad news”. But he said I’ll go but before delivering it, I do not know how it happens, a rope from nowhere took the hand of the person and hung him in the sky and the Lord told me “have you seen what you are seeing”. Every prospect of evil news and the carrier of evil news will be strangled and the abundance of joy in your life will strangle the prospect of evil news that will come.

In 2016, there will be unusual happenings everywhere across the nations, among many families but hear what the Lord says.”He will keep him in perfect peace he whose heart is fixed on him because he trust in him. He will keep in perfect peace in spite of the unusual happenings across the families and nations, he whose heart stayed on him because he trust in him. In 2016, you will experience an unexpected pleasant positioning. In 2016, don’t be surprised. You can only be surprised of joy when you are promoted for a thing you never merited. When you are called to do a thing that you never thought you could do. When you are called to lead when you thought you are not good as a leader. When what you are not expecting is sent to you by somebody you never expected from. It is a year of unexpected pleasant positioning. In 2016, anytime, you come with a choice, it will be favorable before God. You will have many choices, the dilemma will be picking a choice because all the choices will be acceptable before the Lord. And at the end of the day, God told me my best choice will prevail over you. Inn 2016, your joy and your shout of joy will have no end. Your victory will know no end, in the name of Jesus-Christ.