


This is a Global tool designed for a Global level impact, for a dynamic and core change in the fabrics and lifestyles of different nations and their citizens. It encapsulates simple and effective divine principles which are aimed at generating a dimension of sudden global reformation and transformation that is deeper, more effective and more visible than the status quos across the nations. An effective reformer is one who is first and foremost recognized as having personally been reformed (that is, having given up his bad behavioural tendencies and patterns of lifestyle). Government, enterprises, peoples and nations must reform or be reformed

The key element of the vision is to ensure that the Glorious presence of God is simultaneously carried with the required character into specific nations (countries) in order to bring an effective spiritual and societal change into that nation.
And this we seek to do through divine and non-violent means.

G.R.E.A.T is equally set out to achieve the purpose of preserving and prolonging a generation amongst perverse people before the eventual arrival of the doom day. A nation cannot be reformed without the reformation first of her people, when the people in a nation refuses to be reformed; God Himself will divinely engineer such from without(centripetal forces at the disposal of God which is beyond the control of mankind), using the forces of nature or other parameters that He deems fit!

Reformation can never take place without a genuine cry for it. This is one of the numerous objectives of G.R.E.A.T

Normally, the best way to effect reformation is always through the Elders at the gate; ie the leaders of (over) a people.

The prince over the nation can never hold the people down in captivity without the active conivance (directly or indirectly) of the Elders at the gate. Hence, to bring an effective reformation into a nation; the collective enemy of the people both at the visible and invisible level must first be unseated. No one can unseat the human apparatus being used by the prince of (over) the people except you neutralize completely the invisible powers and forces behind them ! This is the role and the goal of G.R.E.A.T; positioning apostolic people to effect and compel reformation.

You don`t have to be a member of the Global Ambassadors before you can partner with G.R.E.A.T !!!


1. Adopter et Appliquer les feuilles de route tells qu’encapsulées et révélées dans les Ecritures de la vérité (la Sainte Bible) par le Saint Esprit.

2. Créer des plateformes dans l’esprit sur lesquelles et par lesquelles les véritables fils et filles dans la foi, transformés, peuvent pénétrer les forteresses invisibles et faire tomber les barrières spirituelles en s’appuyant sur la grâce apostolique et la foi, en suivant la voie ancienne tracée dans l’esprit par les patriarches de la foi dans d’autres nations. Jer 6:16

3. Faire briller dans l’esprit, les cœurs des hommes, de ceux des leaders, de ceux qui suivent dans toute nation la puissance libératrice de Dieu et  en Dieu au travers de messages codés dans l’Évangile de la vérité tout en prenant connaissance des structures, protocoles, couches et la nature des gouvernements, incluant sans pour autant être limité par :

I –    Policy makers

II –   All forms of stakeholders

III –  Ruling spirits in and over such nations

IV – Historical background and foundations upon which the nation is built

V –  The nature, attitude and the language of the people : These are the most common things among the people that unite them as a nation.

VI – The inter and intra relationships among ethnic groups

VII – What do they worship and how do they do it and possibly why do they do it

VIII- Seizing divine initiatives to impose the language and character of God’s love in such atmosphere

IX –  Overcoming and/or avoiding peculiar situations and things that could make the sent ones vulnerable in that nations